The model needs to adhere to the structure specified by the modelbuilder package. Models built using the modelbuilder package automatically have the right structure. A user can also build a model list structure themselves following the modelbuilder specifications. The file name must contain a valid modelbuilder Rds file.

generate_model_file(mbmodel, location = NULL, filename = NULL)



modelbuilder model structure, either as list object or file name (with complete path)


a path to save the code to. If NULL, defaults to current directory.


a filename to save the code to. If NULL, a default is generated (recommended).


The function does not return anything Instead, it writes an R file into the specified directory the default name of the file is model$title_file.R if the user specifies a file name, it will be that name


This function takes as input an Rds file that has a modelbuilder model stored as list it translates the list into generative code for easy, non-GUI edits to a model


Andreas Handel